Congregational Life

Our Congregational Life Committee plans and organizes events to nurture Christ's love between us, strengthen mutual bonds of community and connect new and old together along our journey. Events include new member brunches, baseball outings, picnics, movie nights, stage plays, pitch-ins and much more.

Facility & Grounds

Our Property Committee manages the care and maintenance of our facilities and grounds to better support our congregation and community in healing those broken by life's circumstances. The committee's responsibilities include areas such as HVAC, electrical, plumbing, A/V, roof and parking lots. The committee always welcomes anyone eager to put their knowledge and skills into the service and support of Pilgrim's building and grounds.

Ladies Nite Out

Ladies Nite Out is a recurring monthly opportunity for ladies to enjoy food and friendship with a night out on the town. New friends are welcome!

Large Print Center

Our Large Print Group creates large print manuscripts to aid the visually impaired. Our manuscripts are delivered to domestic and international locations including Africa, India and Europe. New volunteers always welcome!

Prayer Warriors

Prayer is one of those things each of us can do at any time. This group receives an email notification when there is an immediate prayer need for someone in congregation or among our friends. 

Sacred Threads

Our Sacred Threads sewing group adds visual meaning and impact to our church building and worship services through the creation of fabric banners, paraments and hangings.

Super Seniors

Our Super Seniors bring engaging monthly speakers and targeted activities to those aged 65 or older. All are welcome to enjoy food, fellowship and learning with our Super Seniors.


All women are encouraged to participate in Women of the ELCA or WELCA. WELCA enables local, church-wide and global ministries, and at Pilgrim WELCA is involved with Lutheran World Relief, world hunger relief efforts, our annual cookie bake sale and the care of our church flower beds.
